Found in Hawaii, Japan, Java, North and Central America. It is known for grounding, connecting and cleansing. It is naturally formed glass from volcanic lava and comes in mostly black body color with iridescence or multicolor flashes.


Found in Japan and South Africa. Known for wisdom, spiritual devotion and empowerment. A natural formed rock that comes in a deep purple body color with black matrix inclusions caused by the presence of manganese.

Found in Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, South Africa, Australia and USA. It is known for sharpness of mind, clarity, focus and creativity. A phenomenal naturally formed rock that is generally black with iron oxide staining of yellow and brown stripes, giving a cat’s eye effect, known as Chatoyancy.

(Birthstone of December)
Found in Arizona USA, Iran, Mexico, Russia, Chile and Australia. It is known for protection, tranquility and healing. A naturally formed rock, called “Gem of the Sky”, its body color hues are from sky blue, turquoise to green colors, with golden colored matrix inclusions caused by the presence of copper and iron.